Synth-heavy “anthem” metal.
Tech melodic-metal.
How fast could I improvise a 90’s rock black metal hybrid EP?
HOUR 02 First attempt at the soul-crushing ‘soft’ metal idea. Inspired by 90’s/2000’s hard-rock group COLD and my old black metal band. The synthesis feels forced. Looking for feedback on the modern synth elements. The lead guitar melody is unoriginal. For this type of composition, in-person practice and revision will be important. Software can aid in writing complex layered melodies, but I would like to explore in-person feedback and revision instead.
HOUR 04 Inspired by Disembowelment. Guitars are purposely crusty and drone. My 9-gauge guitar strings can’t handle the 2-step down-tuning. Sorry. There’s a lot of room to fit lead guitars or vocal melodies. Percussion tracks are unoriginal cutty black metal blast beats with some extra attention to the toms towards the end. The chords are simple but surprisingly hard to play live.
HOUR 06 Oh yes, the guitar tracks are out of tune in Alt. Sorry for the string buzz. Opeth is a heavy inspiration here. The primary guitarist would play lead and rhythm with finger-picking. I would expect the riff to become sadder with revision. I would like to compose more finger-picked riffs.
HOUR 08 The guitar and drums aren’t in sync. Pretend it’s a polyrhythm :). Hard to get my idea across here without composing with tablature or MIDI. didn’t add any bass or synth tracks. The first & second sections don’t fit well together. I would work on this idea further if my desktop wasn’t destroyed after 10 years of heavy use. The goal was to try my hand at Opeth-like chords with some black metal context.
Unreleased black metal from 14 years yonder. This was a fun collaboration.